My 2 minutes (and 4 seconds) of fame – [VIDEO]

Google&#8217-s Matt Cutts answers my SEO question:

On your blog (, why did you switch from to ? Has this to do with how PageRank flows within a site?

PubSubHubbub + PuSHPress

I have just installed the PuSHPress plugin, and this post is a test to see whether it works. If yes, this post should be indexed quickly by Google Reader (and other feed readers).

Filed in &#8220-Real-Time Web&#8220-.

UPDATE: I am so impressed, I could lay an egg. A brand-new post appears in Google Reader within seconds. I can&#8217-t believe it.

UPDATE 2: Any small editing is immediately fetched by Google Reader (provided it is done on the last 10 posts). Amazing.

How to use P2 on Midas Oracle

No Gravatar

I have modified things a bit so you, guys, don&#8217-t post (as Niall has just done) using the quick blog editor on the frontpage. I want you to use the blog editor, inside WordPress.

(The quick blog editor on the frontpage outputs posts without any post title. I don&#8217-t like that.)

– Use the frontpage to comment directly on stories.

– Now, if you want to publish a post (as opposed to a comment), go inside WordPress. Save your post. And then ask me, so I can finesse the tags and categories before publication.

UPDATE: P2 is out. It sucked too much of the server resources.

Midas Oracle is thankful for P2 – a new WordPress theme (a.k.a., blog layout) that smoothes the reading and writing of comments.

No Gravatar

On the frontpage and on the tag/category pages, the comments will appear listed below the post. No need to download the post to read the (favorable or unfavorable) comments.

If you are a registered user and have just logged in, you can comment directly on the frontpage or on the tag/category pages. No need to open the post to publish your own comment.

– I will be finessing the sidebar and the pages in the coming days. Patience, please. Contact me if you spot an horrific bug that prevents you from digesting your Thanksgiving turkey.

Addendum: WordPress&#8217-s P2

UPDATE: P2 is out. It sucked too much of the server resources.

The 80 Best WordPress Plugins

Add Logo to Admin 1.3.3 Add Logo to Admin 1.3.3
» c.bavota (url)
Adds a custom logo to your site’s Admin header and your login page.

All in One SEO Pack 1.4.91 All in One SEO Pack 1.4.91
» Michael Torbert (url)
Out-of-the-box SEO for your WordPress blog. Options configuration panel | Donate | Support

Automatic Timezone 1.7.1 Automatic Timezone 1.7.1
» Otto (url)
Automatically sets the timezone offset for Daylight Savings Time.

Blog Metrics 1.2.6 Blog Metrics 1.2.6
» Joost de Valk (url)
Provides blog metrics based on the blog metrics Avinash Kaushik proposed in this post, now with a widget!

Chunk Urls for WordPress 2.0 Chunk Urls for WordPress 2.0
» whoo (url)
This plugin shorten urls in comments so that they won’t break your site.

Clean Options 1.1.9 Clean Options 1.1.9
» Mittineague (url)
finds orphaned options and allows for their removal from the wp_options table

Dagon Design Sitemap Generator 3.15 Dagon Design Sitemap Generator 3.15
» Dagon Design (url)
Generates a fully customizable sitemap

Diagnosis 1.2.1 Diagnosis 1.2.1
» Niklas Lindblad (url)
Add a debugging page at Dashboard >> Diagnosis

Disable Revisions 1.1 Disable Revisions 1.1
» Slaver (url)
Disable revision functions in WordPress and delete all entries of revisions in database. It is extremely important to back up your database before install this plugin.

Do Follow 3.1 Do Follow 3.1
» Denis de Bernardy (url)
The Do Follow plugin removes the nofollow attribute that WordPress adds in comments.

Email Users 3.1.6 Email Users 3.1.6
» Vincent Prat (email : [email protected]) (url)
Allows the site editors to send an e-mail to the blog users. Credits to Catalin Ionescu who gave me some ideas for the plugin and has made a similar plugin. Bug reports and corrections by Cyril Crua and Pokey.

Exec-PHP 4.9 Exec-PHP 4.9
» Sören Weber (url)
Executes <?php ?> code in your posts, pages and text widgets.

FD Word Statistics 1.2 FD Word Statistics 1.2
» John Watson (url)
Computes Gunning-Fog, Flesch, and Flesch-Kincaid readability indexes about posts as they are edited for the purpose of improving their readability.

GeneralStats 0.90 GeneralStats 0.90
» Bernhard Riedl (url)
Counts the number of users, categories, posts, comments, pages, links, tags, link-categories, words in posts, words in comments and words in pages.

Google Analyticator 4.1 Google Analyticator 4.1
» Spiral Web Consulting (url)
Adds the necessary JavaScript code to enable Google’s Analytics. After enabling this plugin visit the settings page and enter your Google Analytics’ UID and enable logging.

Google Search widget 1.0 Google Search widget 1.0
» Automattic, Inc. (url)
Adds a sidebar widget to let users search your site with Google.

Google XML Sitemaps 3.1.2 Google XML Sitemaps 3.1.2
» Arne Brachhold (url)
This plugin will generate a compatible sitemap of your WordPress blog which is supported by, Google, MSN Search and YAHOO. Configuration Page

OpenID 3.2.2 OpenID 3.2.2
» DiSo Development Team (url)
Allows the use of OpenID for account registration, authentication, and commenting. Also includes an OpenID provider which can turn WordPress author URLs into OpenIDs.

Restore Exact Time 1.0.2 Restore Exact Time 1.0.2
» Nick Ohrn (url)
Changes the date columns in the post and page interfaces to display exact times that a post or page was published.

Reveal IDs for WP Admin 1.1.2 Reveal IDs for WP Admin 1.1.2
» Oliver Schlöbe (url)
WordPress 2.5+ only. Reveals hidden IDs in Admin interface that have been removed with WordPress 2.5 (formerly known as Entry IDs in Manage Posts/Pages View for WP 2.5). See Options Page for options and information.

Role Manager 2.2.3 Role Manager 2.2.3
» Thomas Schneider (url)
Role Management for WordPress 2.0.x, up to 2.6.x..

RSS Footer 0.8.2 RSS Footer 0.8.2
» Joost de Valk (url)
Allows you to add a line of content to the end of your RSS feed articles.

SABRE 0.8.1 SABRE 0.8.1
» Didier Lorphelin (url)
Simple Anti Bot Registration Engine

ShareThis 3.0.1 ShareThis 3.0.1
» ShareThis (url)
Let your visitors share a post/page with others. Supports e-mail and posting to social bookmarking sites. Configuration options are here. Questions on configuration, etc.? Make sure to read the README.

Sobek`s Posts in Category 1.9 Sobek`s Posts in Category 1.9
» Lukasz Sobek (url)
Displays a list of the posts in one or more categories in virtually any way you want. Please read the plugin page for installation and usage.

SpamViewer 1.6.3 SpamViewer 1.6.3
» Frank Bueltge (url)
Delete or rescure spam entries in your database, drawn from entries from the Plugin Trackback Validator and Spam entries in your WordPress Table comments.

TweetSuite 0.6 TweetSuite 0.6
» Dan Zarrella (url)
A WordPress Plugin to integrate Twitter and WordPress

User Locker 1.0 User Locker 1.0
» Daniel Frużyński (url)
This plugin locks user account after given number of incorrect login attempts.

Wordpress Gravatars 2.7.1 WordPress Gravatars 2.7.1
» Rune Gulbrandsøy (url)
Makes use of Gravatars and MyBlogLog Avatars, places Gravatars, OpenAvatar, Wavatar, Identicon, monsterID or MyBlogLog Avatars in the comments section. Uses the comment authors email to display their Gravatar. It also gives the user an Author Profile picture, based on his or hers Gravatar. Developer blog at this site.

WP-DBManager 2.40 WP-DBManager 2.40
» Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan (url)
Manages your WordPress database. Allows you to optimize database, repair database, backup database, restore database, delete backup database , drop/empty tables and run selected queries. Supports automatic scheduling of backing up and optimizing of database.

WP-Options-Manager 0.05 WP-Options-Manager 0.05
» Marc Schieferdecker (url)
With this plugin you can browse, delete and debug the entrys of your WordPress options database table. Important: Only the administrator user should have access to this plugin and should know what he is doing!

WP-phpMyAdmin 2.10.3 WP-phpMyAdmin 2.10.3
» Roland Rust, Christopher Hwang (url)
Provides phpMyAdmin from the WordPress admin console

WP-PluginsUsed 1.40 WP-PluginsUsed 1.40
» Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan (url)
Display WordPress plugins that you currently have (both active and inactive) onto a post/page.

WP Greet Box 5.0.1 WP Greet Box 5.0.1
» Thaya Kareeson (url)
Show a different message to your visitor depending on which site they are coming from. For example, you can ask Digg visitors to Digg your post, Google visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed, and more! Best of all, this plugin is compatible with various WordPress cache plugins.

WP Super Cache WP Super Cache
» Donncha O Caoimh (url)
Very fast caching plugin for WordPress.

Yahoo! Search widget 1.0 Yahoo! Search widget 1.0
» Automattic, Inc. (url)
Adds a sidebar widget to let users search your site with Yahoo!.

P2 = a revolution in blogging

No Gravatar

As I told you the other day, I am very impressed by P2, a new interactive WordPress theme. I have not selected it for Midas Oracle (I chose WP FrameWork), but I think that P2 will influence a lot of other themes.

Download this post if your feed reader doesn’t show you the embedded video above.