Google’-s Matt Cutts answers my SEO question:
On your blog (, why did you switch from to ? Has this to do with how PageRank flows within a site?
Google’-s Matt Cutts answers my SEO question:
On your blog (, why did you switch from to ? Has this to do with how PageRank flows within a site?
Google has just updated its external PageRank servers. (The PageRank is updated internally in a continuous way, but Google updates its external servers once a quarter or so.)
– InTrade is 7/10. BetFair 6/10. HSX 6/10. HubDub 6/10.
– BetFair’-s blog (Betting @ BetFair) is 5/10, proving, once again, that it is a mediocre publication run by mediocre people. BetFair’-s second blog (BetFair Predicts) is 4/10. Midas Oracle is 6/10.
– For the record, the goal to attain (for both exchanges and publications) is 7/10.
PS: The PageRank of Midas Oracle is 6 / 10 —-higher than any other prediction market blog.
Just a short note for the webmasters of prediction exchange websites or the independent bloggers out there:
– Google is refreshing its PageRank system, this week. (More exactly, Google is refreshing the user interface of its PageRank system. The PR system itself is actually refreshed continuously.)
– Check to see whether your site has gained or lost PR. Best wishes to you. (Midas Oracle seems to stay at 6 / 10.)
– Check on many datacenters, and more than just one time, because the change is made gradually thru the many datacenters. Don’-t be fooled by one datacenter that would not be up to date, yet.
InTrade’-s PageRank is now 7 / 10 —-while all the other major prediction market firms are at 6 / 10.
Inking Markets and NewsFutures are graded 6 / 10.
Consensus Point and Xpree are graded 5 / 10.
My great friend David Perry of Consensus Point is making a strategic mistake by insisting on discretion and secrecy.
I told him 10 times.
To no avail.
Pissing in a violin in order to create a symphony would have been more fruitful.
PageRank is important.
One day, we will learn in the Wall Street Journal that a Fortune-500 CEO is fired by the board for a low PageRank.
That will happen one day- you will see.
The Prediction Market Consultants
The Google PageRank of Midas Oracle is now: 6 / 10.
Midas Oracle is the only prediction market blog to reach that high mark.
Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse: