OboPay is the first truly comprehensive mobile payment service in the United States.

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OboPay &#8211- (via Park Paradigm, who invested in it):

With OboPay you can instantly pay back a friend, split a dinner bill, get money from your parents, get quick cash, pay up or collect on a friendly wager, track purchases, check your balance, and much, much more. And, you can do it all from your phone– anywhere, anytime with anyone.

Would it work for real-money prediction markets (InTrade, BetFair, etc.)?

Why Google don’t want to hire research scientist David Pennock

A recruiter who left Google last year says that the company [= Google] had maintained a “do not touch” list of companies including Genentech and Yahoo, whose employees were not to be wooed to the Internet search giant.

That revelation could be significant in light of this week’s disclosure that the U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether Google, Yahoo, Apple, Genentech and other tech companies conspired to keep others from stealing their top talent. […]


Dont let others dissuade you to create a prediction market startup.

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MicroSoft&#8217-s Steve Ballmer:

My parents thought I&#8217-d lost my mind to drop out of Stanford Business School to go to a company that makes software. My dad said &#8220-what the heck is software?&#8221- and my mother said &#8220-why the heck would a person need a computer?&#8221-.

The (new) Internet business models

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This is the latest addition in our series about how to make money on the Web by giving out free content to get access to people and get their attention&#8230- and selling them something valuable with the other hand. So, here&#8217-s Michael Masnik. While you watch it, do download the files in MP4 using Video Download Helper, so that you can re-watch them later on on your own, when you are disconnected from the Internet.

If your feed reader doesn&#8217-t show you the 4 embedded videos below, then download this post.

If your feed reader doesn&#8217-t show you the 4 embedded videos above, then download this post.

PS: Deep apology to the Linux users. I don&#8217-t think they can view the videos. I will make up to you.

UPDATE: Mike Linksvayer:

The videos play fine on Linux, assuming the right (patent encumbered) codecs are installed, as they are on most systems. The silly interface wants you to use an officious quicktime install more than it wants you to watch the videos. So one just has to access the videos directly &#8212-


Connect With Fans (CwF) + Reason To Buy (RtB) = The Business Model ($$$$)

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Trent Reznor (the leader of Nine Inch Nails) offers his music for free on the Internet. He manages to make money selling concerts and merchandising products thanks to the community of fans he has empowered on his website. He does this using all the Web 2.0 tools you can think of. Wired has an extensive reporting on it, which you should bookmark and read it in whole when you have 5 minutes, later today or later this week. Even though most of you, my readers, don&#8217-t work in the music industry, the marketing concepts and actions exposed in this article are relevant to your business &#8212-they are relevant to any business (including the prediction market industry).

Previously: MO

External: Mike Masnik + CC + YouTube