Dont let others dissuade you to create a prediction market startup.

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MicroSoft&#8217-s Steve Ballmer:

My parents thought I&#8217-d lost my mind to drop out of Stanford Business School to go to a company that makes software. My dad said &#8220-what the heck is software?&#8221- and my mother said &#8220-why the heck would a person need a computer?&#8221-.

The Rise of Crowdsourcing: Creative Wisdom of the Crowd – Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 at 6:00pm – @ Bo Cowgills Alma Mater

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The Rise of Crowdsourcing: Creative Wisdom of the Crowd – @ Stanford Business School, Stanford University, California, U.S.A. – 2008-05-20

&#8211-&gt- Predictify &amp- Cambrian House

Via Daniel Horowitz (Business and Technology Consultant)