TRAFIGURA: The Guardian was served with a gagging order forbidding it from reporting parliamentary business.

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&#8220-The Guardian is prevented from identifying the MP who has asked the question, what the question is, which minister might answer it, or where the question is to be found. The Guardian is also forbidden from telling its readers why the paper is prevented – for the first time in memory – from reporting parliament.&#8221-

&#8220-The only fact the Guardian can report is that the case involves the London solicitors Carter-Ruck, who specialise in suing the media for clients, who include individuals or global corporations.&#8221-


The Trafigura fiasco tears up the textbook.

Gordon Brown calls for reform of super-injunctions.

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Columbia Journalism Review not much convinced by Wall Street Journals Justin Wolfers

No GravatarTo say the least.

[&#8230-] Unfortunately, by the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Wolfers was back in the Journal, writing this time that the newspaper’s own prediction market, WSJ Political Marketplace, run by Intrade, was showing that New Hampshire might be the “death knell” for Clinton and a couple other candidates. After a bet like that, in Vegas they’d say, &#8220-craps.&#8221- 

Humm&#8230- I don&#8217-t like this CJR piece, but it shows that many in the non-business press are skeptical of prediction markets.

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Care to revise your statement, sir?

No GravatarJustin Wolfers:

In a few years, we may regard the second half of the 20th century as the aberration in which the press used polls rather than markets to track political races,” Justin Wolfers, a business professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, wrote in an e-mail message. “And in the 21st century, we may return to the habits of the early 20th century, reporting on political races through the lens of prediction markets rather than polls.

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Previously: Prediction markets are forecasting tools of convenience that feed on advanced indicators.

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