The BetFair crisis board meeting was a total invention of the Daily Mail, but the PR debacle is real.

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Mark Iverson&#8217-s take

Racing UK discussion on the BetFair Premium Charges

Go first to the 2 webpages above. Then, right-click the link, and download the files.

A list of the Betfair forum threads about the new premium charges.

A FaceBook group has been created to protest the new BetFair premium charges.

PREVIOUSLY: BetFair impose new &#8220-Premium Charges&#8221-&#8230- Do BetFair gag the critics, too?

AUDIO on the BetFair Premium Charges

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Go first to the 2 webpages above. Then, right-click the link, and download the files.

Racing UK discussion on the BetFair Premium Charges

PREVIOUSLY: BetFair impose new “Premium Charges”… Do BetFair gag the critics, too?

BetFair CEO David Yu had to come at the office on Sunday to assess and clean up the mess created by the arrogant British incompetents who devised the Premium Charges.

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UPDATE: Mark Iverson&#8217-s take


Go first to the 2 webpages above. Then, right-click the link, and download the files.

Racing UK discussion on the BetFair Premium Charges

A list of the Betfair forum threads about the new premium charges.

A FaceBook group has been created to protest the new BetFair premium charges.

PREVIOUSLY: BetFair impose new &#8220-Premium Charges&#8221-&#8230- Do BetFair gag the critics, too?