Prostitution is inevitable, so we might as well legalize and regulate it.

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That&#8217-s what many libertarians think, right? But Nicholas Kristof has a piece in the New York Times that is well informed and balanced&#8230- and that could change the mind of some libertarians&#8230-

&#8220-Kristen&#8221- (outed in today&#8217-s NYT), photographed in a French port&#8230- (Saint Tropez, it is said, but I&#8217-m not so sure&#8230- St-Trop, as I know it, is a fishermen&#8217-s village&#8230-)



More on the Eliot Spitzer scandal from Slate&#8230-

Inside the Emperors Club V.I.P.

Suspicious Activity Report filed by Mr. Spitzer’s bank

Eliot Spitzer&#8217-s bio