Predict Olympic medal counts on YooPick.

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Cross posted from Oddhead Blog.

We&#8217-ve just added a new feature to Yoopick especially for Frenchmen Chris and Emile and citizens of nineteen other countries to place their swagor* on how many medals their country will win.

We&#8217-ve argued that the Yoopick interface is useful for predicting almost any kind of number, and since medal count is indeed a number, we thought we&#8217-d give it a try.

Besides, Lance told us it would be a good idea.

Sign up, play, enjoy, and don’t forget to tell us what you think!

Sharad Goel
David Pennock
Dan Reeves

* Scientific wild-ass guess, on record


Yoopick: Olympic medal count: Select

Make pick

Yoopick: Olympic medal count: France: Make pick

HubDub will get quoted in the future, just like the Hollywood Stock Exchange is, today… – PROBABILITY = 33%, AT BEST.

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HubDub CEO Nigel Eccles:

I fully appreciate the work that Emile and others have done but just because something hasn’t worked before doesn’t mean it can’t happen. […] Sometimes ideas take time and a fresh perspective before they achieve their full potential. […]

My thoughts:

  1. The future is present today as a seed. If we examine today&#8217-s seed under a microscope, we can see part of the future. The fact is that the prices/probabilities from NewsFutures&#8217- play-money prediction markets are NEVER quoted by journalists and bloggers. They quote only InTrade, TradeSports, BetFair and the Hollywood Stock Exchange.
  2. &#8220-Time&#8221- can change that, indeed, provided that HubDub multiplies volumes by a factor of one million &#8212-which is what I wish for them.
  3. I don&#8217-t see the &#8220-fresh perspective&#8221- that HubDub would be bringing to the table. HubDub resembles a lot to NewsFutures. (The differences in terms of market design, automated market maker, and breath of topics, are a minor.) HubDub is a generalist, play-money prediction exchange, just like NewsFutures is.

HubDub question

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I did bet $20 on the &#8220-yes&#8221- side of the CFTC prediction market. But now, I want to sell those this &#8220-yes&#8221- contract and buy a &#8220-no&#8221- contract instead.

How can I do that on HubDub? Thanks.

UPDATE: Jed Christiansen gives me the explainer in the comment, below. Thanks. It worked fine. I am now negative on this prediction.

2 MILLION TRADES LATER: Inklings play-money prediction markets are accurate -too.

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So, just like flipping a coin, if Inkling told you something has a 15% probability of coming true, you can&#8217-t just look at one outcome (i.e. one coin flip). You need to look at multiple scenarios where Inkling said something would happen 15% of the time. If those things actually come true, 15% of the time, Inkling is doing well at this.