InTrade floats Dominique Strauss-Kahns life. – [PREDICTION MARKET]


New Prediction Market: Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

On May 16th 2011 Dominique Strauss-Kahn appeared in New York City Criminal Court and was charged with two counts of a criminal sexual act in the first degree , first-degree attempted rape, first-degree sexual abuse, second-degree unlawful imprisonment, forcible touching, and third-degree sexual abuse. These seven charges are detailed in the criminal court complaint found HERE.

Intrade has opened a market for Dominique Strauss-Kahn to be found guilty of, or plead guilty to, at least one of the charges laid against him. This market can be found under Legal &gt- D. Strauss Kahn.

Market Rules:

This contract will settle (expire) at 100 ($10.00) if:

– Dominique Strauss-Kahn is found guilty of at least one of the seven counts in a trial by jury or judge
&#8211- Dominique Strauss-Kahn pleads guilty to at least one of the seven counts

The contract will settle (expire) at 0 ($0.00) if (including, but not limited to):

Dominique Strauss-Kahn is found not guilty of all seven counts in a trial by jury or judge
– All counts are dropped
The case is dismissed
– A mistrial is declared (for all counts)
– Dominique Strauss-Kahn pleads guilty to lesser charges only as part of a plea agreement (please note that if Strauss-Kahn pleads guilty to any of the original charges as part of plea agreement the contract will expire at 100)

This market covers only the charges covered in the complaint. Any other criminal or civil cases will not be considered when expiring this market.

The contracts will be paused if possible when a verdict is about to be announced and will be expired as soon as that decision is made public.

The end date on the contract is for indication purposes only. This date may be extended if necessary.

Any changes to the result after the contract has expired will not be taken into account &#8211- Contract Rule 1.4

Due to the nature of this prediction market contract you are obligated to read Contract Rule 1.7 (Unforeseen Circumstances) and Contract Rule 1.8 (Time Protection). Intrade may invoke these rules in its absolute discretion if deemed appropriate.

Please contact the exchange by emailing [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this contract or interpretation of these contract specific rules, related exchange news articles or exchange rules before you place an order to trade.


Video link.

Tristane Banon et AgoraVox: retour sur une&#8230- par AgoraVox

The new French law on Internet betting and gambling – [VIDEO]

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Critical documentary in French:

LES DESSOUS DE LA LOI,Les yeux dans les jeux
envoy&eacute- par publicsenat. &#8211- Regardez les derni&egrave-res vid&eacute-os d&#039-actu.

Via Daniel Schneidermann

Loi sur les jeux en ligne, enquete
envoye par asi. &#8211- Regardez les dernieres videos d&#8217-actu.

New NewsFutures prediction exchange in France &#8212- play-money

And Today&#8217-s Le Figaro features prediction markets, Emile tells me&#8230- :-D

«Du coup, assure Emile Servan-Schreiber, on ne lit plus les articles de la meme maniere, un peu comme un analyste financier qui traque l&#8217-info pour ensuite s&#8217-en servir dans ses recommandations d&#8217-investissement.»

Frances Nicolas Sarkozy – One year later, the French economy is still in the mud.

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No good.

  1. Nicolas Sarkozy has become the most unpopular French president ever &#8212-primarily due to his personal behavior.
  2. France’s public finances deteriorated in 2007, hovering close to the Maastricht 3% mark.
  3. Public spending (54% of gross domestic product) is the highest in the European Union.
  4. Nicolas Sarkozy has launched some reforms, which were needed, but which will not suffice.
  5. He created a bureaucratic body supposed to propose economic reforms, but will the French politicians act on them?
  6. The free-market philosophy is still view as devilish (and the Americans and the British are viewed as evil, since they are the ones who push for free markets and free trade) &#8212-even by the French people who vote for the Right.
  7. I don&#8217-t see much emphasis made on the virtues of working, inventing, innovating, creating startups, spreading modern knowledge, etc. I see people talking about how to take longer vacations (to the point that the French economy comes to a halt, each year, in the month of May, on top of July, August and December) and how to retire early (at the expense of the youngsters).
  8. Unlike urban China or the Silicon Valley, France is not vibrant &#8212-the French are consuming their future, instead of planning it.
  9. Overall, my sentiment is negative.

Don&#8217-t expect more posts about Sarkozy from me, in the future, here. I did this post because one betting Irishman in London keeps querying Google for &#8220-midas oracle sarkozy&#8221-. :-D

For more info, see The Economist, Bloomberg, or CNBC. But the best link to visit is the first one I published in the text above.

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • Prediction Markets
  • Meet professor Justin Wolfers.
  • Become “friend” with me on Google E-Mail so as to share feed items with me within Google Reader.
  • Nigel Eccles’ flawed “vision” about HubDub shows that he hasn’t any.
  • How does InTrade deal with insider trading?
  • Modern Life
  • “The Beacon” is an excellent blog published by The Independent Institute.