How to Make Your Own Hockey Stick –- Required reading for our good friend Caveat Bettor.
More info on “-climategate”- at Memeorandum
“-Hide the decline”-
“-Hide the decline”-
How to Make Your Own Hockey Stick –- Required reading for our good friend Caveat Bettor.
More info on “-climategate”- at Memeorandum
“-Hide the decline”-
“-Hide the decline”-
One scientist investigated data from one source:
What this does show is that there is at least one temperature station where the trend has been artificially increased to give a false warming where the raw data shows cooling. In addition, the average raw data for Northern Australia is quite different from the adjusted, so there must be a number of … mmm … let me say “interesting” adjustments in Northern Australia other than just Darwin.
And with the Latin saying “Falsus in unum, falsus in omis” (false in one, false in all) as our guide, until all of the station “adjustments” are examined, adjustments of CRU, GHCN, and GISS alike, we can’t trust anyone using homogenized numbers.
Talking at the US State Department this summer, Hans Rosling uses his fascinating data-bubble software to burst myths about the developing world. Look for new analysis on China and the post-bailout world, mixed with classic data shows.
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