Nokias Enterprise Prediction Markets = Competitive Advantage

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Thus, the Nokia executives are pretty secretive about it. Bad luck for them, there&#8217-s a group blog on the Web that specializes on prediction markets and that digs deep. :-D So, here&#8217-s an inkling into Nokia&#8217-s enterprise prediction markets. The material was gathered from the World-Wide Web.

Maximilian Kammerer (Nokia&#8217-s Vice President CMO Global Customer Care) – (PDF file):

What technologies did you need for real-time information feedback among people working in 120 different countries?

KAMMERER: One sample element within the whole system is the Nokia Care Information Market. Like a stock exchange with a Web-based platform, people deal with information derivatives. They wager on the success of new strategies, innovations, solutions and projects. If their estimates change—the prices change. The price index creates an enormous transparency. The effectiveness of information markets relies on the fact that the collective intelligence is higher then every individual intelligence—even than that at management levels. Having understood that, our strategic decision-making is no longer purely based on historical data or expert opinions but on the intelligence of all concerned.

Translation: Nokia is embracing James Surowiscki&#8217-s wisdom of crowds. It&#8217-s my understanding that it&#8217-s the first time that that is said publicly by Nokia.

Now, let&#8217-s dig a bit. This interview was posted on the website of &#8220-1492&#8220-, a consulting firm from Austria. Now, the good question is&#8230- Which prediction market firm does supply &#8220-1492&#8243- with software and advice (which are resold to Nokia)? Suspense, suspense.




Congrats to them.

As everybody knows in the field, prediction market firms very often have to sign NDAs before undertaking clients, which means that the public gets to know the names of those firms only when their clients allow this information to be published.

APPENDIX: Nokia is also listed as a client on Consensus Point&#8217-s website.

Business Overconfidence as seen thru Googles Enterprise Prediction Markets

Bo Cowgill:

At OVERCOMING BIAS, Robin Hanson blogs about the overconfidence of CEOs, CFOs and software managers. Our paper also measured overconfidence in the workplace. We found that our marketplace was overconfident as a whole, although the market&#8217-s optimistic bias subsided as time passed. We also pointed out the particular overconfidence exhibited by new employees &#8212- but prediction markets can be used to measure overconfidence and other biases for any part of an organization. Note that our study was about overconfidence regarding their employers&#8217- prospects on a variety of fronts. In a future draft, we hope to measure overconfidence for by looking at how people bet in markets related to their day-to-day jobs. In Table 9 of our paper, you can see some other information about what parts of the company produced the biases (although admittedly not in the most readable format).

Here&#8217-s the table 9. Right-click on the thumbnail to open it in another of your browser tabs.



Related Links:

Using Prediction Markets to Track Information Flows: Evidence From Google – (PDF file – PDF file) – by Bo Cowgill (Google economic analyst), Justin Wolfers (University of Pennsylvania) and Eric Zitzewitz (Dartmouth College)

Read the previous blog posts by Chris. F. Masse:

  • Why you should launch your brand-new prediction exchange at a conference
  • Why Indian Software Outsourcing Companies are Outsourcing to China
  • Midas Oracle is the only popular, independent, exhaustive, multi-author, multi-exchange, Web-based resource on prediction markets.
  • Here’s an example of the total crap that the BetFair blog is publishing.
  • P(election) = P(nomination) * P(election conditional on nomination)
  • Journalism Failures — Big Time
  • South Carolina showdown: Barack Obama vs. Hillary Clinton

Robin Hanson is not convinced by the Google experiment with enterprise prediction markets -to say the least.

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Robin Hanson in a comment on Marginal Revolution:

This is important work for organizational sociology, but not for prediction markets, as this does little to help us find and field high value markets.

Finally, somebody who speaks the truth.

See also the comment of economist Michael Giberson.

Related Links: Using Prediction Markets to Track Information Flows: Evidence From Google – (PDF file – PDF file) – by Bo Cowgill (Google economic analyst), Justin Wolfers (University of Pennsylvania) and Eric Zitzewitz (Dartmouth College)

Have Googles enterprise prediction markets been accurate?

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Justin Wolfers:

So we decided to move beyond asking, “Do prediction markets work?” and instead use them as a tool for better understanding how information flows within a (very cool) corporation.

I am more interested in the accuracy of the enterprise prediction markets than in corporate micro-geography issues.

Related Links: Using Prediction Markets to Track Information Flows: Evidence From Google – (PDF file – PDF file) – by Bo Cowgill (Google economic analyst), Justin Wolfers (University of Pennsylvania) and Eric Zitzewitz (Dartmouth College)


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Robin Hanson:

Yes prediction markets are cool, Google is cool, and it is cool that Google had location data to show how location influences trading. But cool need not be useful. People are not asking the hard questions here: what value exactly is Google getting out of these markets, aside from helping them look cool?

Robin Hanson is a modern-day hero. Speaks the truth. Has a clear vision. Doesn&#8217-t mind to act as a contrarian, now and then. Like Winston Churchill. Is a real leader.

Related Links: Using Prediction Markets to Track Information Flows: Evidence From Google – (PDF file – PDF file) – by Bo Cowgill (Google economic analyst), Justin Wolfers (University of Pennsylvania) and Eric Zitzewitz (Dartmouth College)

Chris Masse is bull-shitting. On the paper, NewsFutures is OBVIOUSLY the market leader.

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That&#8217-s what all the people thought, after I published my ranking.

The NewsFutures clients:

Arcelor Mittal
The world&#8217-s largest steel maker.

Display Technologies.

Japan&#8217-s largest advertising firm.

Hungary&#8217-s leading news weekly.

Eli Lilly
Voted &#8220-most innovative&#8221- pharmaceutical company in Fortune&#8217-s 2003 and 2004 rankings.

The US packaged foods giant.

Giant U.S. Pharmaceutical.

Rand Corporation
Leading provider of objective analysis and effective solutions.

One of the world&#8217-s leading providers of outsourcing and IT services.

Europe&#8217-s leader in corrugated packaging.

Germany&#8217-s global powerhouse in electrical engineering and electronics.

Texas Department of Transportation
Texas Department of Transportation.

Thomson Financial
The most complete source for integrated information and technology applications in the global financial services industry.

de Volkskrant
The Netherlands&#8217- daily newspaper of reference.

World Economic Forum
Host of the annual Davos meeting of world leaders.

The No. 1 Internet brand globally.

INTEL BUSINESS CASE: Does Intel really use internal prediction markets?

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Emile Servan-Schreiber and Chris Hibbert (two veterans of the field of prediction markets) have strong doubts that Intel is using a trading mechanism. (Nothing wrong with using a non-trading mechanism, we just want to know for sure. :) )

I will re-read the Intel paper later on, but here is a quick stats: the phrase &#8220-prediction markets&#8221- is used 15 times in the paper, including 7 times in the section titled, you guessed it, &#8220-MARKET MECHANISMS AS FORECASTING TOOLS&#8220-.

And here&#8217-s a crucial sentence I found out in the abstract:

The process enables product and market experts to dynamically negotiate product forecasts in an environment offering anonymity and performance-based incentives.

Does negotiation mean trading here? My first reading was &#8220-yes&#8221-, but I wonder what it means in light of the comment made by market design expert Chris Hibbert.