If you want to check the brand-new Midas Oracle comments every 10 minutes, dont use a Web-based feed reader like Google Reader, do use (for this purpose) a PC-based feed reader (like Sage on FireFox).

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Google Reader fetches our comment feed once an hour or so. Too long for some.

Scan this feed explainer, I have listed the PC-based feed readers. You can then decide exactly when to fetch our comment feed &#8212-every 10 minutes, every 20 minutes, etc.

As for me, the blog administrator, I read comments and reply to them &#8212-from within the WordPress system, on the &#8220-comments&#8221- page.

I&#8217-ll log in as a simple subscriber, soon, and see whether one simple registered Midas Oracle reader could, from there, reply to other people&#8217-s comments. That would solve some of the problems of the guy linked to, above.