Do businesses need enterprise prediction markets?

Competitive advantage can be obtained either by differentiation or by low cost. Enterprise prediction markets certainly don&#8217-t foster the innovation process, and they are surely not the cheapest forecasting tool. EPMs require special software, the hiring of consultant(s), the participation of all, and a budget for the prizes. EPMs are costly, and they take time to deliver. As of today, I can&#8217-t see why any sane CEO should be implementing EPMs as a decision-making support. At the contrary, I would say that any sane CEO should fire any employee who tried to sneak in internal prediction markets, and should dismember any existing corporate prediction exchange. Right now.

It has been suggested that EPMs have helped Best Buy getting it right on the ‘HD-DVD versus Blu-Ray’ issue. It&#8217-s a boatload of bullsh*t. I know a lot about technology intelligence. It should be done by a smart and curious operator. There is no need of enterprise prediction markets to do this task. The tools you need consist of a bunch of IT news aggregators and a good search engine. Consider this:

The Inevitable Move Of iTunes To The Cloud

In the &#8216-cloud&#8217- piece above, there are facts and there are speculations. You&#8217-ve got much more technology intelligence reading the &#8216-cloud&#8217- piece above than you would get from a crude, plain and simple prediction market. Gimme a break with EPMs. Make no sense at all.

Contrast EPMs (which are costly) with public prediction markets (a la InTrade or BetFair), where probabilistic predictions are offered for free. That makes all the difference for the reason that the added accuracy brought by prediction markets is very small. Market-generated odds are handed out for free to journalists &#8212-still, few of them take the bait. The market-powered crystal ball is worth peanuts.

The reason CEOs are paid millions is that only a small percent of the population of business administration managers has the ability to cut through the non-sense and the balls to cut the cost of the non-sense. It is a rare skill. I am calling on CEOs to end EPMs. Right now.

CEO Termination prediction markets, anyone??

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New York Times&#8217- Andrew Ross Sorkin:

Betting on the Next Wall Street C.E.O. Exit

[…] Paddy Power, the Irish gambling site, has decided to tap the wisdom of crowds and set odds on who the next C.E.O. casualty will be. […]

Andrew Ross Sorkin does not know what he is talking about. PaddyPower is a bookmaker (which does not prove to us that it balances its book on those CEO Termination betting lines), and not a prediction exchange like InTrade (which, indeed, taps &#8220-the wisdom of crowds&#8221- and is wide open about it).

CEO Resignations

UPDATE: Niall O&#8217-Connor&#8230-

The over-round on Power&#8217-s market is 154.8. This means that they expect to pay out 100 for every 154.8 that they take in- yielding an expected profit of 54.8/154.8 = 35.4%. This is of course a disgrace. It reflects the fact that the market is nothing more than a gimmick – as soon as they catch sight of anybody looking to get a decent bet on, it is likely that they will simply close the book. A clear case of tapping into the wisdom of fools!