Meet again James Surowiecki, author of The Wisdom Of Crowds.

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James Surowiecki

James Surowiecki, author of The Wisdom Of Crowds

Previously: James Surowiecki’s The Wisdom Of Crowds… still stands.

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • A second look at HedgeStreet’s comment to the CFTC about “event markets”
  • Since YooPick opened their door, Midas Oracle has been getting, daily, 2 or 3 dozens referrals from FaceBook.
  • US presidential hopeful John McCain hates the Midas Oracle bloggers.
  • If you have tried to contact Chris Masse thru the Midas Oracle Contact Form, I’m terribly sorry to inform you that your message was not delivered to the recipient.
  • “Over a ten-year period commencing on January 1, 2008, and ending on December 31, 2017, the S & P 500 will outperform a portfolio of funds of hedge funds, when performance is measured on a basis net of fees, costs and expenses.”
  • Meet professor Thomas W. Malone (on the right), from the MIT’s Center for Collective Intelligence.

Prediction Markets = Clear Expiry + Disperse Information + Participation Incentives

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Jed Christiansen at Forbes (just after John Delaney&#8217-s ill-written and pointless comment):

A market effectively aggregates the information from everyone participating. So anything where:

  • there is a clear result
  • information is dispersed between people and/or locations
  • people have an incentive to participate in the market

will likely provide better results than any other forecasting method. Experts just aren&#8217-t as good as they (or anyone else) think they are. It&#8217-s simply better to ask the crowd in these cases.

Missing from Jed Christiansen&#8217-s comment is the emphasis on long series for comparison. Takes time and hundreds of prediction markets to prove the wisdom of crowds.


UPDATE: Jed Christiansen comments&#8230-

Chris, I agree that for probability assessment, a number of measurements are required to assess success. However, for metrics (ie, sales of widget X, rating of product Y) it doesn&#8217-t require a long series at all. Depending on how poor the current forecasting model is performing, a prediction market could prove successful after just a few measurements.

Austan Goolsbee on Iraq and the Collective Wisdom of Bond Markets

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Austan Goolsbee, writing in the New York Times, discusses Michael Greenstone&#8217-s paper (discussed here at Midas Oracle in September) that examines the market for Iraq&#8217-s bonds for an assessment of the long-term future of the Iraq government. Goolsbee&#8217-s quick conclusion: &#8220-But global financial markets have been monitoring the war for months, and with remarkable consistency, they have concluded that the long-term prospects for a stable Iraq are very bleak.&#8221-

It wasn’t until Professor Greenstone began examining the financial markets’ pricing of Iraqi government debt that he had his eureka moment. It was immediately clear that the bond market — which, historically, has often been an early indicator of the demise of a political system — was pessimistic about the Iraqi government’s chances for survival.

First, some background &#8230- the Iraqi government issued about $3 billion of new bonds in January 2006. These dollar-denominated bonds pay 2.9 percent twice a year and mature in 2028, paying the face value of $100.

To say the least, the market for these bonds is not robust: as of last week, a bond with a face value of $100 was trading at around $60. Professor Greenstone calculated that, from the markets’ standpoint, the implied default risk over the life of the bond was about 80 percent.

The important point is that anyone who owns one of these Iraqi bonds has to decide each day whether the Iraqi government is likely to be functional enough to make its debt payments, or will default along the way. All else being equal, if the surge policy is effective, it ought to be raising the market price of these bonds.

Bondholders “aren’t politically motivated,” Professor Greenstone said. “They don’t have to rationalize their previous statements or justify their votes from years past. All they care about is whether there will be a functioning Iraq in the future such that they will receive their payments.” At a certain price, most securities will find a buyer, and there are still buyers for Iraqi bonds. But the price they are willing to pay is very low.

Goolsbee tosses in a few examples which show, in his words, &#8221- the collective wisdom of financial markets has proved remarkably adept at evaluating events and predicting the future, even the turning points of war&#8220-:

During the American Civil War, for example, when Confederate forces lost at Gettysburg, Confederate cotton bonds traded in England dropped by about 14 percent. During World War II, German government bonds fell 7 percent when the Russians started their counterattack at Stalingrad in 1942, and French government bonds rose 16 percent after the Allied invasion at Normandy in 1944. Many such examples of the prescience of financial markets have been documented by economic historians.

Of course a few cherry picked examples, while suggestive, should not be considered conclusive.

Chris Masse, in a post about negative comments on the war by a just-retired high ranking military officer, said:

We can’t rely on retirees to tell us the truth. We need an anonymous information aggregation mechanism that gives an incentive to people who come forward with advanced information: the prediction markets.

While bond markets might be useful as a stand in for prediction markets, presumably well-designed prediction markets could provide a somewhat more articulated position than can be extracted from a twenty-year bond market.

NOTE: Greenstone&#8217-s paper, &#8220-Is the &#8216-Surge Working? Some New Facts,&#8221- is available from the SSRN.

MIT Center for Collective Intelligence – Play-money prediction exchange

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Yesterday, I blogged about the MIT CCI&#8217-s collective book project, &#8220-We Are Smarter Than Me&#8220-, which will be presented today at a live web cast (at lunch time, EST).

I completely overlooked that the MIT CCI is launching a play-money prediction exchange. The topics are CCI self-centric and thus totally uninteresting.


What is a &#8220-Prediction Tool&#8221-?

The Prediction Tool on this site is based on the idea of prediction markets. &#8220-Prediction markets are speculative markets created for the purpose of making predictions. Assets are created whose final cash value is tied to a particular event or parameter (e.g., Will there be at least 10,000 registered community members by March 31, 2007?). The current market prices can then be interpreted as predictions of the probability of the event or the expected value of the parameter. Other names for prediction markets include information markets, decision markets, idea futures, and virtual markets.&#8221- (Source: Wikipedia)

OK I get it, sort of, but what does that mean?

We have made a set of predictions about the success of the &#8220-We&#8221- community. You get to buy and sell stock in these predictions based on how likely you think they are to come true. If the prediction turns out to be true, the stock will pay out $100 per share. If it turns out not to be true, the stock will pay out $0 per share.

The hope is that through trading stocks back and forth, the market value of the stocks will eventually closely match the probability of each event coming true.

My Question: Does anybody know which software/design the MIT CCI is using here?

The Answer (added October 25): Shared Insights runs the MIT CCI&#8217-s play-money prediction exchange with the software provided by Consensus Point.