Niall OConnor, the one-data-point analyst

Here is what Niall O&#8217-Connor has published on his site:

Prediction Markets Tombstone

Read the previous blog posts by Chris. F. Masse:

  • Davos – World Economic Forum
  • CME Group = Chicago Mercantile Exchange + Chicago Board Of Trade
  • Democratic and Republican caucuses in Nevada + Republican primary in South Carolina
  • The BetFair blog is not a serious publication.
  • MICHIGAN PRIMARY @ BETFAIR: Niall O’Connor asks the very pertinent question.
  • One thing John Delaney and his Irish employees at InTrade-TradeSports can learn from the BetFair-TradeFair folks at HammerSmith.
  • BetFair compound chart on the Michigan primary

We regret to inform you of the passing of

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Read the previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • Bzzzzzzzzz…
  • Bzzzzzzzzz…
  • “No offense, but I think Radley Balko is the most valuable blogger in America right now.”
  • Are you a better predictor than John McCain?
  • What does climate scientist James Annan think of InTrade’s global warming prediction markets?
  • Inkling Markets, one year later
  • One trader’s view on BetFair’s new bet-matching logic

Googles enterprise prediction markets = a slavery instrument based on self-fulling prophecies?

Search engine expert Barry Schwartz:

[&#8230-] Why does Google encourage such activity from their employees? [&#8230-] It also helps stimulate an &#8220-optimism bias,&#8221- which in turn encourages Google employees to work harder to achieve a certain outcome they have predicted in the [prediction] market[s]. [&#8230-]

Related Links: Using Prediction Markets to Track Information Flows: Evidence From Google – (PDF file – PDF file) – by Bo Cowgill (Google economic analyst), Justin Wolfers (University of Pennsylvania) and Eric Zitzewitz (Dartmouth College)

Author Profile&nbsp-Editor and Publisher of Midas Oracle .ORG .NET .COM &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s mugshot &#8212- Contact Chris Masse &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s LinkedIn profile &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s FaceBook profile &#8212- Chris Masse&#8217-s Google profile &#8212- Sophia-Antipolis, France, E.U. Read more from this author&#8230-

Read the previous blog posts by Chris. F. Masse:

  • Comments are now completely open on Midas Oracle.
  • Albert Einstein, Chairman of the Midas Oracle Advisory Board
  • Erratic –but not Stochastic– Charts
  • Barack Obama is the 44th US president.
  • We already have prediction markets in future tax rates. It’s called the municipal bond yield curve.
  • O’Reilly – Money-Tech Conference

Only 7 web publications took the BetFair bait on global warming.

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BetFair climate

Yeah, at Midas Oracle, we do swallow baits on prediction markets!!! :-D


BETFAIR: HSBC Investable Climate Change Index, ECX CFI Futures Contract, and Highest and Lowest UK Temperature.

MIDAS ORACLE: BetFair’s Global Warming Prediction Markets &#8212- CFM&#8217-s Views + BetFair&#8217-s Global Warming Prediction Markets

What in the hells global warming have to do with world peace?

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Asks Rush Limbaugh. Maybe our good friend Caveat Bettor could answer this question. Rush Limbaugh thinks they should give the Nobel Peace price&#8230- to him (no kidding):

I don&#8217-t even know why Gore&#8217-s qualified for this. &#8230- I have done more for world peace to promote liberty and freedom than Al Gore has.

My lawyers at the Landmark Legal Foundation are looking into the possibility of filing an objection with the Nobel committee over the unethical tampering for this award that Al Gore is engaging in.

What in the hell&#8217-s global warming have to do with world peace?

I file this blog post in the &#8220-humor&#8221- category, of course. :-D Not sure whether Rush Limbaugh&#8217-s humor is intentional, though.

Previous: Will Al Gore win the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize?

Australian economist Justin Wolfers in utter disbelief, upon hearing about the demise of ECONOMIC DERIVATIVES.

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A dog in utter disbelief

Previous: ECONOMIC DERIVATIVES is dead. + Justin Wolfers on Economic Derivatives

Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • IIF’s SIG on Prediction Markets
  • Science
  • Why did prediction markets do well in the pre-polling era, professor Strumpf?
  • Mozilla FireFox users, do you have trouble downloading academic papers (as PDF files) from SSRN?
  • “Impact Matrix. Used to collect and gauge the likelihood and business impact of various events in the very long term.”
  • Ends and Means of Prediction Markets — Tom W. Bell Edition
  • How to run enterprise prediction markets… legally


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Mike Linksvayer, a Macintosh hater, will strongly disapprove, I&#8217-m sure. :)

Apple’s penetration of the geek market over the last five years or so has bugged me … for that long.

And here&#8217-s what Mike Linksvayer, answered to Tyler Cowen&#8217-s question, &#8220-What is your most absurd view?”&#8221-:

Nearly every user interface and product from Apple has been aesthetically and functionally ugly, from the orginal MacOS to iTunes. I don’t think I can blame Steve Jobs, as NextStep was wonderful. (Yes, I know OS X is derived from NextStep. They ruined it.)

AUSTRALIA RULES: Evan Kaldor to redefine the meaning of entrepreneurship + BetFair Australia in Tasmania set to conquer Asia + Justin Wolfers near the top of the field of prediction markets + Rupert Murdoch driving the bus in the US media land

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Previous blog posts by Chris F. Masse:

  • 48 hours after the launch of the “Prediction Markets” group at LinkedIn, we have already 52 members —both prediction market luminaries and simple people (trading the event derivatives or collecting the market-generated probabilities).
  • The John Edwards Non-Affair gives us an opportunity to look deep into the caldron of the wisdom of crowds.
  • We Plug This British Betting Blog On Midas Oracle Because We Like Its Name.
  • 24 hours after the launch of the “Prediction Markets” group at LinkedIn, we have already 39 members —both prediction market luminaries and simple people (trading the event derivatives or collecting the market-generated probabilities).
  • That was ubber world star Barack Obama in Berlin, during his July 2008 speech at the Victory Column. Spot all the digital cameras pointing to the socialist Messiah. Snatching something to bring at home — “see, I was there”.
  • If you want your affiliation with the “Prediction Markets” group to appear on your LinkedIn profile, then click on “Edit Public Profile Settings”, and check the “Groups” option.
  • If you want to connect with InTrade CEO John Delaney on LinkedIn…