Meet David Jack, the managing director of TradeFair.

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David Jack is on the right&#8230- (here with Andrew &#8220-Bert&#8221- Black, the BetFair co-founder).

David Jack, the managing director of TradeFair

David Jack (Managing Director of TradeFair, a BetFair spin-off)

Previously: Binaries and Spreads: BetFair spins off TradeFair.

NEXT: Why does Tradefair care about Prediction Markets – by TradeFair&#8217-s David Jack – 2007-12-06

Binaries and Spreads: BetFair spins off TradeFair.

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Via &#8220-jwolstenholme&#8221- and via Niall O&#8217-Connor, who got the scoop, here&#8217-s UK-based TradeFair (Binaries and Spreads):


&#8211-&gt- David Jack (Managing Director of TradeFair) &#8212- (Thanks to Niall for the LinkedIn link.)