Deep Throat on the idle Prediction Market Industry Association (PMIA)

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I agree that the Prediction Market Industry Association (PMIA) (in its present form) is highly suspicious.

The purpose of the PMIA was to provide resume and marketing fodder for Jed, Emile and John. It&#8217-s like being president of a high school club: You don&#8217-t have to accomplish anything, but you can list your &#8220-officer&#8221- status on college applications.

As we saw, Emile has already started using it in his NewsFutures marketing. So, the project has actually been a great success for its true purposes!

Its our responsibility to call bullshit on this, and we failed. The PMIA is a fake organization, and nobody deserves any extra street-cred for &#8220-leading&#8221- or &#8220-founding&#8221- it.

4 thoughts on “Deep Throat on the idle Prediction Market Industry Association (PMIA)

  1. So far, the Prediction Market Industry Association (PMIA) is a shallow organization run by a bunch of delirium-tremens incompetents. - It sounds too European, too French. - Yeah, it's too French. - All words and no actions. - said:

    […] UPDATE: Deep Throat agrees with me. […]

  2. Chris F. Masse said:

    The fact that the Prediction Market Industry Association didn’t submit a comment to the CFTC on “event markets” (prediction markets)……..tion-cftc/

  3. Horizon 2015: A long-term strategic perspective for the real-money prediction markets | Midas Oracle .ORG said:

    […] The Prediction Market Industry Association (whose website still features their initial P.R. output) … […]

  4. Prediction Market Industry Association (PMIA), one year later | Midas Oracle .ORG said:

    […] Chris F. Masse September 29th, 2008 Let’s revisit our achives: […]