Google Reader now lets you jot down a note about any feed item that youve just read, before you share it with your acquaintances and friends (so they can sense how you feel about the news of the day). So, now, we know what Googles Bo Cowgill thinks of the CFTC announcement: ITS COOL.

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Bo Cowgill

Here&#8217-s the Google Reader announcement about this new functionality. (My thought: it&#8217-s &#8220-cool&#8221-. :-D )

Robert Scoble thinks it&#8217-s lame.

Feed Icon 3D

To share items with me (Chris Masse) within Google Reader, go to GMail, and under &#8220-Chat&#8221- (on the left pane), click on &#8220-Add Contact&#8221-. Paste my e-mail address there (chrisfmasse +++at&#8212- gmail +dot&#8212- com). Once I receive your invite, I&#8217-ll accept it. You will then see my shared items and I&#8217-ll see yours within Google Reader.

– Advanced tips on how to share items with friends within Google Reader

– Chris Masse&#8217-s Starred Items at Google Reader &#8212- Many things there.

– Chris Masse&#8217-s Shared Items at Google Reader &#8212- Only the most important things.

More info about site feeds and feed readers.

Feed Icon 3D

And, remember:

  1. Life is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  2. Parachute jumping is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  3. Prediction markets are &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  4. Google is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  5. Google Reader is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  6. Midas Oracle is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  7. God is &#8220-cool&#8221-.
  8. Robin Hanson is &#8220-cool&#8221-, too. :-D
  9. Let&#8217-s all be &#8220-cool&#8221-.

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