Scanning the results for the query on “-prediction markets”-, I see that, focusing on the software vendors and prediction market consultants incorporated after the 2003–-2004 starting point (hence, excluding pioneer NewsFutures), Inkling Markets is ranked much higher than Consensus Point.
- No need to wonder why. Adam Siegel (the Inkling Markets CEO) is an active participant in the discussion —-thru his blog, thru comments on Midas Oracle, and thru private e-mails. (I told many times Dave to catch up. Pissing in a violin in order to compose a symphony would have been more fruitful.)
- Having a prestigious “-Chief Scientist”- is not such a determinant. It only impresses a few young, inexperienced and gullible spotty collegians. What makes the difference on the Web is your openness —-more exactly, how much high-quality information you are willing to publish, free of charge, free of advertising, and free of copyright. Take a look at Inkling Markets. Adam Siegel has made the hell of an effort to make available many explainers and case studies on enterprise prediction markets. I don’-t agree with everything he says, but I reckon that he is the only one to make the effort to reach out to web readers.
In the end, whether the judge is Google or Chris Masse, the passing of time is important. It allows us to see thru prediction market people. There are those who matter —-and those who don’-t.
Google PageRank:
Inkling Markets: 6 / 10
Consensus Point: 5 / 10
Private emails notwithstanding (because obviously Google doesn’t index those) how are are you judging this purported rank? And since when does Google rank (or Chris Masse, for that matter) determine who matters and who doesn’t in the prediction market arena?
Google PageRank:
Inkling Markets 6 / 10
Consensus Point 5 / 10
I agree with you that there should be many other objective rankings, over than those 2. The more rankings the better. What do you propose?
As an objective observer, I would have to argue that without the efforts of Masse, the notion of prediction markets would long have vanished from the horizon.
This guy, has kept the creaking ship afloat, and whilst it is indeed a tragedy that his experiences seem to have led him to conclude that the PMI comprises of nothing more than a cosy coterie of deluded self-interest groups, nobody can doubt that his tenacity and promotional skills have indeed propelled the industry up the google rankings.
It is only a pity, that the industry has seemingly choosen to leave him out in the cold, rather than reward his maverick skills, and that this has consequently forced him to turn against it.
And do not delude yourselves lads, the collective attempts by this industry to self-promote have been abysmal…indeed, bordering on the laughable.
I personally look forward to see how you all manage to ride out the current recession. And I do hope that when you wear your prediction market crowns that you all bear a thought for Masse, the man who single handedly shone a torchlight on the industry.
“I personally look forward to see how you all manage to ride out the current recession.”
Yes, that will be interesting to see.
Niall, I have 2 very interesting projects I am working on. One with the PM industry, another one outside.
Anyway, thanks for your comment.
“the PMI comprises of nothing more than a cosy coterie of deluded self-interest groups”
They are not enough even able to set up and run a “prediction market industry association”. This PMIA is a debacle.
Chris, I repeat my question to you, since you did not answer it: Since when does Google rank, or Chris Masse, for that matter, determine who matters and who doesn’t in the prediction market arena?