WeatherBill can be thought of a) as expressive insurance b) as a combinatorial prediction market with an automated market maker.

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This clarification from our good doctor David Pennock shows how indispensable this research scientist is to small people like us. :-D Without David Pennock, the field of prediction markets would collapse like a castle of cards. Ha! ha! ha!&#8230-

As a blogger, WeatherBill presents a difficulty: How to you categorize it? I fill it in these 4 categories:

  1. insurance (obviously)-
  2. finance (because it is hedging)-
  3. exchanges (because of what our good doctor Pennock said above, see the title)-
  4. betting (because the reverse of hedging is speculation)-
  5. UPDATE: I just added &#8220-hedging&#8221- &#8212-so that&#8217-s 5 categories now, probably too many. (It probably shows my readers that I am confused&#8230- and really need a &#8220-research scientist&#8221-. Ha! ha! ha! :-D )

2 thoughts on “WeatherBill can be thought of a) as expressive insurance b) as a combinatorial prediction market with an automated market maker.

  1. Daniel Horowitz said:

    Insurance is basically a hedge.

  2. Chris F. Masse said:

    A hedge is basically an insurance. :-D

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