Implied Prices for Presidential Decision-Aid Markets

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Via our good friend Mike Linksvayer: &#8212- Implied Prices for Presidential Decision-Aid Markets &#8212- Implied Prices for Presidential Decision-Aid Markets

My good Doctor Robin Hanson,

Please, refresh my memory:

– Are your experimental, conditional prediction markets offered by the Iowa Electronic Markets or by InTrade Ireland?

Additional question for our Master Of All Universes:

– Who has done more for web-hosting experimental prediction markets, overall: the Iowa Electronic Markets or InTrade Ireland?

Thanks for providing me with some answer(s) on those 2 important questions.

Best Regards,

Signed: Chris &#8220-GadFly&#8221- Masse

PostScriptum: When the CFTC refreshes its webpage that indexes the comments to its concept release on &#8220-event markets&#8221-, you will see that that issue has been raised by some &#8220-gadfly&#8221-. :-D