It seems like someone at CNBC decided at some point that they would NEVER address the legality issue.

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Signed: Deep Throat.

APPENDIX: CNBC video + CNBC video #2

UPDATE: YouTube video (the last part was censored by InTrade-TradeSports CEO John Delaney – PRECISION: the discussion between the journalists and the guest on the TV set was suppressed)

UPDATE: The second CNBC video segment that TradeSports-InTrade CEO John Delaney does not want you to see on YouTube

One thought on “It seems like someone at CNBC decided at some point that they would NEVER address the legality issue.

  1. How do InTrade's prediction markets work, and are they really accurate? | Midas Oracle .ORG said:

    […] “It seems like someone at CNBC decided at some point that they would NEVER address the legalit… – Dixit Deep Throat. […]

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